This is a unique and innovative format so make sure you know what's going on! If you have any other questions, post them as a comment to this blog or email
Is it like a traditional relay?
Yes and no. You have teams (of 4) and a baton so that's pretty normal. You have to change the baton at the end of each leg in the change zone (also pretty normal). The difference is that your team need to run as many legs as possible within the hour. All runners need to run at least 1 lap and no runner can run consecutive laps but different runners can run different numbers of laps.
What happens if two teams have run the same number of laps at the end. Is it a draw?
No. When the hooter goes to mark the end of the hour, the runners carry on and finish their laps. The time is still running ... so if it is really close, there could be a sprint for the finish!
Who can be in a mixed team?
2 men and 2 women. You need at least 2 women for your mixed team. They can be ANY age group. Note, if all runners are registered, the mixed team can gain XCR Winter League points (for overall club).
Can we enter a team of U16s in the U18 / U20 division?
No. It's an adult event. However, if you have 3 U18/U20 runners, then you can apply to the organisers for dispensation to run one U16 runner to make up a team. Do this a week before the event in writing to the Office at Athletics Auckland.
It's part of the XCR Winter League. How does that work?
In the normal way. Teams made up of registered (club, ANZ, AAI) athletes can compete for League points. Note, this is for "competitive" registered athletes - not "social" runners. If you are a social runner, you need to join a team in the "community" division. As normal, the first league team in each age group will get 8 points, the next 7, the next 6 etc. Mixed teams made up of competitive registered athletes can get OVERALL club points for the League but obviously would not count for age groups (because they can be a range of ages).
How does it work for groups not affiliated to Athletics New Zealand and Athletics Auckland?
You are welcome to run as a community team and enjoy the event. It's a chance to see how you stack up against club teams. Some of them are very fast but some are not very fast at all! And it should be a fun event. You will run the same course at the same time and be eligible for spot prizes and the merit prize for the fastest lap just like any of the other teams.
I'm a coach and I want to enter a composite team from my coaching group with registered runners from a number of different clubs. Can I do this?
For sure. Obviously you won't be able to contribute to winter league points but you'll have a great afternoon. Entry fee will be $60 for the team.
Can we leave it to the last week to register?
Best not to. The event is limited to 50 teams and there's lots of interest... so get in quick. We're planning to leave entries open until the Wednesday before the race but will close earlier if it's sold out. We don't want anyone to be disappointed.
What kind of shoes should I wear?
Regular road shoes. The race is a mixture of road, track and grass.
Is the footpath closed?
No. Please respect other park users and keep everyone safe. There may be bikes on the path, children, dogs and old people. If in doubt, hop onto the grass and go round them.
Can we combine with another club to make up a team?
It's part of the Winter League, so if you want the team's results to give you club points, then all the runners need to be from your club. That said, there's nothing stopping you combining with another club or clubs to make a team to be a part of the action. The team would be treated like a community team for the purposes of the results. If you do this, please make it really clear when you enter :)